Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Case of Mistaken Identity

What a journey to get to this place!

Two days ago I set up this blog. I was proud of myself—I had joined the blogging community and was excited to get started on this new adventure.

Today I logged in and could not for the life of me figure out how to post an entry! I read the “Help” page, I tried this and that. Two hours later I discovered that my friend Joe, an established citizen in Blog-land, was on Facebook, so I IMed him begging for help! As I tried this and that road suggested by Joe, I came to the embarrassing discovery that I was using the wrong user name and password to enter.

I had an identity problem.

Ah, but there is a lesson in this! Nothing works smoothly when we have a confused identity! God knew that…that’s why he sent his Son. “In the beginning” we were made in God’s image—not a bad reflection in the mirror! But that image became confused and vague and dimmed, and it had to be restored. Enter Jesus.

The problem with my blog account is I apparently have several “identities,” and I was using the wrong one. Wouldn’t it be easier to just have one identity? Hmmm…


  1. LOVE the BLOG name...
    LOVE the lesson....
    LOVE YOU Girlfriend!

    Hey, even to post this little comment to you, I HAD to select from a drop down menu, my OWN profile. Hmmmm ;}

  2. Welcome to Blogland, Kate! Nice to stop by and visit.....

    --Anna Larkin

  3. MCF, You go girl! Look at you flowing in your giftedness. I am so proud of you. Keep rollin' them out. Love you, YCF

  4. Joan said:
    WoW Kate what a thought. Thanks for sharing - what a witness. Helped me to reflect and check myself. Love Ya
